I have been warning that despite all their influence via the World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation, and Soros’ Open-Society calling for a one-world government, they will fail. We have even Governor Cuomo suddenly realizing that he may have destroyed New York City permanently. California is bleeding businesses so rapidly; the tax the rich policy that relied on the top 1% paying 48% of the state’s taxes is rapidly dwindling. All the people who have their hand out always expecting more will find there is not enough to go around. California Governor Newsom has suddenly lifted the stay-at-home order even in face of a new California strain of COVID, which is more contagious because there is a serious recall movement to remove him from office.
While many are interpreting this change is only because they used it to defeat Trump, behind the curtain, there has been this global effort being pushed for the Great Reset. Even in Italy, we are witnessing uprisings against these COVID lockdowns, which have utterly destroyed tourism, and hotels are closing, never to reopen again. This idea that they can lock down the world by using this virus to reduce CO2 is starting to reach the boiling point. Destroying small business is really their goal in addition to ending commuting. Biden’s Climate Czar claims the world was broken before, so there will never be a return to the way it was.
This idea that these people can destroy jobs and redesign the world economy, creating a “useless class” of people who cannot find employment in a new green world, is a recipe for violence. These people are totally insane. They have no idea even how the economy works, no less how to regulate it from scratch. They will fail because what they have taken on is against human nature, just as Marxism failed.
The post The Conspiracy Against the People Will Fail first appeared on Armstrong Economics.